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Our Best 9 in 2016: Multimedia Edition!

What you loved on the Friction Labs Insta, YouTube, and blog in 2016.

Happy New Year! As we close the door on 2016, we can’t help but take a moment to reflect on the past 12 months. Based on your likes and comments, we've compiled our top 9 photos and videos of climbers doin’ their thing, how-to guides, interviews, and training tips below. Enjoy!

Thank you for being a part of the Friction Labs Fam!

FL Instagram

1.  FrictionLabs Pro Sam Elias on the TM Herbert mega classic, Ecstasy, 5.13a. Pine Creek, East Side Sierra Nevada, CA.

‍Photo: @etteloc

2. Ho! Ho! Ho! FrictionLabs Pro Arnaud Petit doing his best Santa impression on the big walls of Madagascar, Tough Enough, L10 8b. Photo: Arnaud Petit Collection.

‍Photo: Arnaud Petit Collection

3. FrictionLabs Pro Daniel Woods on of one his most iconic FAs, The Process, V16.

Photo by @davidcliffordphotography

4. Throwback to FrictionLabs Pro Matt Gentile about to execute the first ascent of Crocodile Roof, V11, a unique and terrifying highball in the Hinterlands of Flagstaff, AZ! 

Photo: @nbthemountains
18" X 24" Daniels Woods The Process Poster
18" X 24" Daniels Woods The Process Poster

FL Videos

1. FrictionLabs Athlete Josh Muller stylin' out Fred Nicole's testpiece, Esperanza, V14 in Hueco Tanks State Park! 


2. RoofTown Vol 1 featuring FrictionLabs Pro Matt Gentile

In the hinterlands of Flagstaff, AZ lie untouched limestone boulders straight out of a climber's day dream. Join Matt as he transforms this dreamscape from imagination into first ascent reality. Follow him through "a day in the life" of exploration and development on some of the best and boldest blocs the Western USA has to offer! A film by Nathaniel Davison in association with ORGANIC Climbing.


3. FrictionLabs Pro Alex Puccio making Scream, V11 (middle start) look easy in Hueco Tanks State Park, TX!

Friction Labs® Loose Chalk
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Friction Labs® Loose Chalk
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FL Blog

1. How to Get the Most Out of Your Climbing Gym Session

How to Get the Most Out of Your Climbing Gym Session

If you’re like many climbers, you see every trip to the gym as a chance to push yourself to the limit and climb the hardest thing you’ve ever done. It doesn’t have to be like this! This guide walks you through how to make the most out of your time in the climbing gym while working toward your goals.

2. How NOT to Use Rock Climbing Chalk Hint: It doesn’t involve creating chalk clouds!

What did you particularly enjoy on the Friction Labs blog over the past year? What would you like to see more of in 2017? Let us know in the comments or drop us a line at info@frictionlabs.com. And be sure to give us a follow on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and get fresh, daily content to fuel your psych!

From all of us at FrictionLabs, we hope your 2017 is full of new projects and sendage!

- See you at the crag.

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